To use the console menu you need to attach a keyboard and VGA monitor
to the standard ports on the rear of the Parametric Search Appliance. Or, for VM products,
use your hypervisor's console viewer. For Gen4
appliances, you may also enable ssh access to the appliance and
access the menu that way, see the Emergency access sub-menu below.
You will see the
following menu (not all options are available on all systems):
Thunderstone Search Appliance Summary on YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Thunderstone phone: 216-820-2200 or
Serial number : xxxxxxx
Net 1 (enp0s3) : x.x.x.x/xx UP xxMb/s,xDX,Link:xx MACaddress
: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x/xx Scope:xxx
Index Admin Page : https://x.x.x.x/texis/dowalk/
System Admin Page : https://x.x.x.x:999
iLO Admin Page : https://x.x.x.x
iLO defaults : Login: Administrator Password: --On Chassis Label--
Thunderstone Appliance Setup and Information
T) Thunderstone information
N) Network and system information
S) Setup network W) set console passWord
C) Custom routes P) change web admin Password
R) Reboot system D) shutDown system
I) dIagnostics H) Help
E) Emergency access Q) Quit
F) drop Firewall/NAT (Allow all network access)
A) drop Admin restrictions (HTTPS,IP,Cipher requirements)
Enter your choice:
Choose an item by entering the letter on the left of the item.
T) Thunderstone information
will display information about the Parametric Search Appliance software version,
license information.
N) Network and system information
will display information about the network and firewall settings.
S) Setup network
On Gen4 appliances, you will be presented with
a full screen interactive app for configuring network interfaces and routes.
On Gen3 and earlier appliances, it
will prompt for network info as below and change settings accordingly.
Pressing ctrl-C for any prompt will abandon changes and return to the menu.
Network port:
If the appliance has more than one ethernet port it will ask which
one you want to configure.
Use DHCP?(y/n):
Enter "y" to get IP information via DHCP, if available, and
not ask further questions. Enter "n" to specify the IP information
IP address:
Enter the IP address in dotted-decimal form: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Net Mask:
Enter the IP netmask in dotted-decimal form: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Gateway IP:
Enter the network gateway IP address in dotted-decimal form:
Nameserver 1 IP:
Enter the IP of the primary nameserver in dotted-decimal form:
Nameserver 2 IP:
Leave blank for no secondary nameserver. Or enter the IP of the
secondary nameserver in dotted-decimal form: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
DNS Domain:
Enter the domain to use on unqualified host names, such as "".
Or leave blank to prevent unqualified names from resolving.
Host name:
Enter the host name of the Parametric Search Appliance. Ideally this will match
whatever your DNS has for the assigned IP. At the very least
it should be a fully qualified name such as ""
so that email notifications etc. can work. It should never be
a single word like "mysearch" as that can delay the boot process.
C) Custom routes
lets you add custom IP routes to access networks that aren't reachable
using the standard IP and gateway configuration. This is almost never used
as a proper gateway setting will usually take care of routing for you.
On Gen4 appliances, you will be presented with
a full screen interactive app for configuring network interfaces and routes.
W) set console passWord
sets a password to use to get access to the console menu. This is separate
from the password for access to the web interface. Once you set this
password you will have to enter it to access the console menu.
Entering an empty password will clear the password
so that none is required.
P) change web admin Password
changes the password for web interface user "admin". This is separate
from the console password. This is mainly for use if the admin password
is forgotten. When you know the admin password you can change it from
within the web interface.
R) Reboot system
will stop and restart the Parametric Search Appliance.
D) shutDown system
will cleanly stop and power down the Parametric Search Appliance.
I) dIagnostics
will enter a sub-menu of network diagnostics as follows:
Thunderstone Appliance Diagnostics | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
P) Ping
T) Traceroute
L) Lookup hostname
F) Fetch a URL
S) System view
R) RAID info
C) Start support connection...
K) Stop support connection
I) View support connection status
O) View support connection log
A) enAble ssh login
D) List free disks
A) Add all free disks for data use
V) Remove data disk...
M) Main menu
Enter your choice:
Menu items:
P) Ping
will request a hostname or IP and send icmp packets to that host. It
will run continuously until you press ctrl-C.
T) Traceroute
will request a hostname or IP and trace the network route to that host.
L) Lookup hostname
will request a hostname and, optionally, a name server IP and will lookup
the IP for the given hostname on the configured, or given, DNS server.
F) Fetch a URL
will request a URL and attempt to fetch that URL. It will print out
all of the received HTTP/HTTPS headers but not the content.
S) System view
will give a self-updating view of the running system showing actively
running processes, CPU and memory utilization. Press q to quit.
R) RAID info
will display the status of the RAID disk array.
C) Start support connection...
starts a support connection as described in 3.3.
K) Stop support connection
stops a support connection as described in 3.3.
I) View support connection status
shows the status of a support connection as described in 3.3.
O) View support connection log
shows the log of a support connection as described in 3.3.
A) enAble ssh login / disAble ssh login
On appliances prior to Gen4,
will enable ssh connections into the appliance. When ssh login is enabled
this option will change to "disAble ssh login". Note that ssh login is
only for Thunderstone technical support in the case of emergency if
the normal interfaces are not working. It is rarely, if ever used.
On Gen4 appliances, see the Emergency access
sub-menu described below.
D) List free disks
This will list any disk devices connected to the system that
have not been allocated for use.
This feature is only on Gen4 appliances.
A) Add all free disks for data use
This will erase and format all free disks (as listed above)
for use as profile storage.
This feature is only on Gen4 appliances.
V) Remove data disk...
This will allow you to selectively release a profile data disk
that doesn't have any profiles so that it may be removed
from the system.
This feature is only on Gen4 appliances.
M) Main menu
will return to the main menu.
H) Help
will show a short help message.
F) drop Firewall/NAT (Allow all network access)
will drop all firewall and NAT rules that you may have setup
using the Webmin web interface. It will also permanently delete
the firewall and NAT configs so they will not come back on upon boot.
This is most useful when you've
accidentally created a firewall configuration that locks you
out of the admin interface.
On Gen4 appliances, this item is on the
Emergency access sub-menu (see below).
A) drop Admin restrictions (HTTPS,IP,Cipher requirements)
will remove all system-wide settings that restrict the web admin
interface. This is useful if you've accidentally created a config
that locks you out of the admin interface. This is permanent. Any
desired restrictions will have to be re-added from the web interface.
On Gen4 appliances, this item is on the
Emergency access sub-menu (see below).
E) Emergency access
will open a sub-menu as follows:
(only on Gen4 appliances)
Thunderstone Emergency Access | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
F) drop Firewall/NAT (Allow all network access)
A) drop Admin restrictions (HTTPS,IP,Cipher requirements)
B) disaBle remote ssh login
L) View L)ocked SSH logins
M) Main menu
Enter your choice:
Menu items:
F) drop Firewall/NAT (Allow all network access)
as described above.
A) drop Admin restrictions (HTTPS,IP,Cipher requirements)
as described above.
B) enaBle remote ssh login
will toggle the ability to access the appliance console menu via ssh. Default is disabled.
With this enabled, you may ssh to the appliance and login as admin with the
same password as for the web UI. After successful login, you will be presented
this console menu. After 3 failed attempts the attempting IP will be blocked
for 15 minutes. See View Locked SSH logins below to unlock manually sooner.
L) View L)ocked SSH logins
will let you view ssh sessions locked due to too many failed login attempts.
If there are locked sessions you will be presented with the option to clear
the lock(s).
M) Main menu
will return to the main menu.
Q) Quit
will end the menu session and log you out.
This will only show when logged into the console menu via ssh
on Gen4 appliances.